Start Logo Creation
Begin your logo/asset creation from the "ICONS" in menu by downloading multiple icons to use later in the editor. Download as many icons and combine them to create unique assets. Tutorials coming soon!
Account Access

You can access your account once you've registered. A confirmation email will be sent out. In the case of a premium user, you need to subscribe here first then you will be able to log in. If you are redeeming a code, continue here

Premium Upgrade
Our Basic plan is okay for most folks. Free users are able to download icons, use the editor and manage their media together with 70 free Google fonts. Premium users are able to create unlimited projects and will gain access to 1,000 Google fonts, 1GB of storage, and more icons, alongside for their creative freedom.
Contact Us & More

We're only recently launched but we have more in the pipeline. Head over to our roadmap page to learn more. Subscribe to our newsletter here for updates, head over to WPWakanda, LLC to learn more about our plans and future.

Premium Access

Our premium plan is great for those that want to go the extra mile with their creative freedom as well as business professionals. In the case you want even more storage for a potential enterprise use-case, then consider contacting us directly.